Quantum Information Quantum Engineeering

photo QIQE

The Second Quantum Revolution relies on the most fundamental aspects of quantum physics: coherence and entanglement. These concepts gave rise to metaphysical debates between the founding fathers of quantum mechanics, until the physical reality of the quantum weirdness was confirmed by the experimental tests to highlight the spin or the violations of Bell’s inequalities for example. Nowadays, quantum coherence and entanglement hold the promise to bring a shift of paradigm through quantum science: a technological revolution is underway at the international level to exploit quantum superposition, entanglement and the control of individual quantum systems (optical, superconducting or spin based systems). In this context, the Grenoble research federation QuantAlps contributes strongly to the development of all strategic areas of quantum information, quantum engineering, quantum metrology, quantum simulation and quantum sensing, that are already or will eventually impact our day-to-day life.

To address the growing demand for this new expertise, the Master Quantum Information Quantum Engineeering offers an ambitious program of lectures covering the whole spectrum from fundamental quantum physics to experimental implementations, new paradigms in computer science, and enabling technologies. The Master is open to the national and international students willing to work on fundamental quantum problems, and simultaneously contribute to the emergence of quantum technologies.

The first year of the program is the M1 Nanophysics Quantum Physics which provides students with confirmed knowledge in quantum physics, solid state physics, semiconductors and optics. The second year is composed of fundamental courses during the first semester and a Master thesis in a laboratory during the second semester. Students in this track can also participate to the Graduate School program Quantum.

This two-year Master program is accessible to students having a Bachelor in physics, with a first background in quantum mechanics. Admission is possible at the 1rst year stage or at the 2nd year stage. The M2 QIQE also welcomes EMM Nano+ students who did their M1 in KU Leuven.

The program is as follows:

First year - 60 ECTS

Second year - Spring semester - 30 ECTS

Published on  March 26, 2020
Updated on March 8, 2023