A large number of graduates from master N2 pursue in PhD, either in an academic or industrial project, in Grenoble or abroad. They can take advantage of the exceptional network of Grenoble research institutes and PhD offers in nanoscience and nanotechnologies.
Due to their high-tech scientific and engineering background master N2 graduates are also highly appreciated in R&D departments of companies and start-ups, in particular in the fields of advanced technologies. They too can take advantage of Grenoble’s environment and network with its many organizations and international companies. Some graduates from the Ingeniérie des Micro- et nano-structures track (en alternance) also stay in the companies in which they have worked during their alternance.
Due to the broad international exposure of the master, a significant number of alumnis pursue an international carrier, either in a foreign university as PhD, or in companies.
Nayak Goutham: After completing my Bachelor in Electronics engineering in Bangalore, India, I joined Erasmus Mundus master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Under this program, for my second year I chose Université Grenoble Alpes for Master 2 in the nanophysics track. This track was very nicely organised from welcoming the students to helping them to find interesting internships by Prof. Elisabeth Charlaix and Prof. David Ferrand. The different physics courses and the quality of education was state of art. I could also choose practical trainings from different labs like CEA, CNRS among more than 30 labs to get hand on experience in nanotechnology. There are ample amount of opportunities in Grenoble in the field of nanotechnology in both research and industry. Presently I am doing PhD in Institut NEEL on 2 dimensional materials. Beautiful nature (mountains and lakes) all around and plenty of sports (skiing, hiking climbing) balances the hard scientific work done. If anybody is interested in research or development in the field of nanoscience in Europe, then Grenoble is the ideal place to be in.Elena Yunda: I did the second year of my master studies in Grenoble as part of the double degree program between Tomsk Polytechnic University in Russia and Université Grenoble Alpes. The program ‘’Nanochemistry’’ that I had been following at UGA provided a good platform to identify my interests for further scientific path. I find particularly valuable the possibility to apply what I had learned from the courses of the 1stsemester to my master internship that was during the second half of the year. The knowledge I gained is highly useful for my current work on the PhD thesis. The project is associated with the development of chemically structured surfaces for study of bacterial adhesion, and it is carried in two different laboratories at the Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France.
Jorge Nacenta: I am a PhD student from Madrid, Spain. I came to Grenoble as an Erasmus student to course M1 in UGA. During M1 internship I realize that Grenoble was a leader and a reference in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Because of that and combine with the lifestyle of this young and dynamic city, I found the M2 in Nanophysics the perfect way to developed my knowledge in the field of the nanoworld.This choice was with no doubts worth it. The M2 nanophysics made me see all the sides of the nanoscience, from the most theoretical photonics, to the new advances in fabrication of nanostructures. Semiconductor physics, nanomagnetism, mesoscopicphysics, characterization and observation techniques... everything was included with the possibility of having the main characters of each field ready to meet and answer our personal questions. In this environment, it was very easy to find the ideal topic for me to do a long internship. More than that, the Master 2 was really appreciated by the different jurysin order to find a PhD scholarship. As far as I remember, all those of my colleagues that wanted to continue their internship with a PhD or find a new topic, did not have many troubles to succeed. Now, I am about to finish my PhD in Grenoble in the topic of scanning probe microscopy, and I still keep contact with the Master 2 students that come from everywhere in the world. I have verified that the quality of the Master keeps increasing year by year and each new generation also get PhD position in really good groups. In my personal point view... Grenoble is de ideal place to do physics and live a life that you will always remember...
Ana Margarida Santiago: I went to Grenoble in the frameworkof the Erasmus Mundus Master in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, with specialization in Nanochemistry. After my studies, I looked for an industrial PhD that would allow me to develop my knowledge on Organic Electronics. I also had the wish to continue moving in Europe and living in an international environment. I was granted with a Marie-Curie Scholarship within the iSwitchTraining Network to do my PhD in BASF (Germany). I am currently working for my PhD Thesis on Stability of Nonlinear Optic Materials for Electro-Optical Modulators.
Sophie Brenet: After a bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology at the University Grenoble Alpes,with a semester in PhysicalChemistry at the University of Glasgow, I graduated from the master N2 in the track Nanochemistry. I chose this formation firstly for its strong multidisciplinarity betweenChemistry, Physics and Biology. Secondly, my intention was to develop my knowledge of nanoscale phenomena and their application in new materials and devices. I will defend in 2018 a PhD in Physics for Life Sciences in the SyMMES laboratory (CEA Grenoble). My topic is on the development of an electronic nose based on surface plasmon resonance imaging, in collaboration with the start-up Aryballe Technologie.
Adeline Depraz-Depland: A student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, holder of the agregation in chemistry and a Master degree in Chemistry, I also hold a master degree (M2) in structural biology and nanobiology (forerunner of the Nanobiosciences N² Master programme). I have chosen to do my thesis in Grenoble and joined the Laboratory for the Study of differentiation and cell adhesion (CNRS-UJF) of the Albert Bonniot Institute.
Dimitri Houssamedine: After a first year of graduate studies in physics at the University of Lorient, I joined the School of Physics (ENSPG) of the INPG in Grenoble. While in my last year at the INPG, I managed to register in the second year (M2) of the nanophysics option of the Physics and Engineering Master programme. This programme is now the Nanophysics option of the N² Master programme. In 2009, I defended my PhD on the dynamics of the magnetization in nanooscillators prepared at the Spintec laboratory (CEA-CNRS-UJF-INPG Grenoble).
Anil Kumar Bharwal: I came to Grenoble in the framework of the partnership with University of Delhi, New Delhi, India. I completed this master 2 in Nanochemistry in 2010. Following this formation was the occasion for me to orientate my initial general formation in Material Science towards Nanosystems and Nanostructured Materials for energy application and to discover France. I later on engaged in a collaborative PhD at LEPMI (Grenoble-INP, France) and GREEnMat lab (University of Liege, Belgium). The topic of my PhD thesis is Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar Cell.
Updated on February 16, 2021