

The Nanochemistry track aims at providing a complete overview from the elaboration to the applications of a large variety of nanoobjects.

The first year M1 Nanochemistry provides a basic knowledge in solid-state and coordination chemistry, surfaces, thin films, electro-chemistry and materials science, while student can broaden their field of interest in chemistry of polymers, magnetism, molecular electronics, and physics of 2D materials.

The second year M2 Nanochemistry provides specific core courses focused on both the elaboration of nano-objects in particular using the bottom-up strategy and the characterizations techniques devoted to naosized objects. The reduction in size indeed leads to specific physical, mechanical, chemical and biological properties as exemplified below:

  • the nanoobjects allow to finely explore the quantum regime of many physical properties. They are indeed often much different from their classical equivalent and lead to original manifestations that are very appealing for future technological applications; 
  • nanoparticles appears as promising candidates for controlled drug delivery for example. They also became a major actor is solar cells design.
  • the introduction of nanoparticles in polymers deeply modify their mechanical behavior leading to original composites;
  • in (electro)catalysis, the reduction in size modifies the activity because of both the enhancement of the surface-to-volume ratio and the alteration of the electronic structure of the material; the infinite possibilities of tailoring give birth to the design of very innovative catalysts as tandem nanoparticles. 

By the choice of her/his broadening courses, the students will choose which type of applications she/he wants to focus on.

Formation through research

In addition to their academic courses, students perform a 2 months Research internship in May and June of their 1st year, credited 6 ECTS. It can be preceded by a part-time internship in the framework of a Research Intensive Training. They can choose to continue this research activity in the 1st semester of the 2nd year, in the framework of the Research Training elective course. Finally, the whole 2nd semester of the M2 is devoted to a Master thesis, prepared during a minimum of 5 months internship in a top-level research team.

See Internship offers in Nanochemistry


The nanochemistry track welcomes:

  • UGA Students from Licence de Chimie, Licence de Physique-Chimie, Licence de Chimie-Biologie and Licence Pluridisciplinaire Scientifique (Valence)
  • French and foreign students having a Bachelor in Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Materials Science, Materials Engineering. The important point is to possess a rather broad background including basic courses in both molecular and solid-state chemistry to have the prerequisites for the Master courses detailed below.

The program is part of several excellence programs:

Students can also be supported through several scholarships mechanisms.

Detailed curriculum:

First year - 60 ECTS

Second year - Spring semester - 30 ECTS

Published on  April 10, 2019
Updated on January 21, 2025