
This track is devoted to the new technologies in medical imaging involving nano- or molecular markers, as well as the therapeutic use of nano-particules.

The 2-year program in nanomedecine is accessible to students having completed a Bachelor in physics, physico-chemistry, or engineering. The second year of this track is coordinated by Grenoble INP Phelma. Applications have to be made directly to the track coordinator.

The first year M1 Soft Matter and Biophysics provides students with a core knowledge in physical sciences, numerical and engineering methods, while elective courses provide a first background in biology. Courses taught in the second year M2 Nanomedicine include general biology courses mainly directed at students joining the program in the second year. It also includes a number of courses dealing with the various methods of medical imaging from magnetic resonance to X-rays, image processing issues, nano- and molecular markers, and courses in structural biology. The curriculum prepares students for the challenges and innovations that are emerging at the border medicine nanoscience, including exploiting nanotechnology and nanomaterials for medical imaging and therapeutics. It also aims to train students to research in structural biology, a strong pole in Grenoble environment with the presence of large instruments and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL.

First year - 60 ETCS

Second year - Spring semester - 30 ECTS

Published on  April 10, 2019
Updated on January 21, 2025