Quantum thematic program Board

Board members:

Program coordinator: David Ferrand, UGA-PhITEM.
Coordinators of all Master and engineer labelling programs.
A. Auffèves, CNRS Coordinator of QuEng cross disciplinary program.
F. Balestro, UGA-PhITEM, Supervizor of Quanteca research group, Coordinator of QIQE Master 2 program.
L. Bastard, UGA-GINP, coordinator of 3A IPHY-PHELMA engineer track; co-coordinator of PhSem Master 2 program.
H. Béa, UGA-PhITEM, coordinator of Nanophysics Master 2 program.
H. Sellier, coordinator of Nanophysics-Quantum physics Master 1 program, deputy director of QUEST department of Neel Institute
B. Boulanger, UGA-PHITEM, co-coordinator of PhSem Master 2 program.
O. Buisson, CNRS Coordinator of Lanef Labex program.
A. Joye, UGA-IM2AG representative of IM2AG UFR.
E. Lauga-Larroze, UGA-PHITEM coordinator of WICS Master 2 program, representative of SUMMIT Thematic program.
J. Meyer, UGA-PHITEM teacher in Matière Quantique Master 2 program.
L. Prejbeanu, UGA-GINP, deputy director of ESONN european School, coordinator of Nanotech international Master program.
C. Ternon UGA-GINP coordinator of 2A IPHY-PHELMA engineer track.

Published on  June 5, 2021
Updated on September 9, 2022