M2 Physics of Complex Matter

Complex Matter
The second year M2 Physics of Complex Matter is an advanced program in statistical mechanics focusing on complex fluids and materials and complemented by an experimental training in the nano-facilities of the Grenoble area. A choice of elective courses covering various fields such as machine learning,  nanomechanics, nano-pores and membranes technologies, computational nano-materials, nano-structures for energy, allows students to focus in depth into their preferred direction. The second semester is devoted to the Master thesis realized during a full time research internship of 5 months minimum from February to June, in a research institute, academic or industrial.

See here the Physics of Complex Matter research projects completed in the 2021-2022 academic year.
See here the Physics of Complex Matter research projects offers for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Published on  September 30, 2024
Updated on September 30, 2024