Quantum Optics

These lectures are aimed to provide building blocks to understand and model the elementary components of light (photons), light matter-interaction at the single photon level, and elements of quantum communication and information processing with single photons.

Chapter 1: Julien Claudon (18h)
1. Quantification of the free radiation field - Photons
2. Representation of quantum states in phase space
Tutorial: Coherent states
3. Interference in quantum optics, single-photon states and wave-particle duality
4. Light-matter interaction in free space, optical Bloch equations
5. Cavity quantum electrodynamics

Chapter 2: Cyril Branciard (6h)
6. Entanglement, Bell’s inequalities.
7. Quantum cryptography (BB84, Ekert protocol), quantum teleportation.
8. Quantum repeaters, entanglement distribution, quantum networks.

Published on February 26, 2021
Updated on September 27, 2024