Quantum Condensed Matter

The lecture "Quantum Condensed Matter" provides a theoretical understanding of important quantum effects in solid state systems, including the quantum transport properties of electrons in metals and semiconductors, the macroscopic quantum coherence of superconductivity, and the topological properties of specific band structures.

Part 1 : Mesoscopic physics
- Characteristic lengths in mesoscopic devices
- Landauer-Büttiker formalism of quantum transport
- Interference and localisation phenomena
- Coulomb blockade in quantum dots

Part 2 : Superconductivity
- BCS theory
- Electrodynamics
- Ginzburg-Laudau theory
- Josephson junctions

Part 3 : Topological matter
- 1D chains
- 2D lattices

Bibliography for the lessons and tutorials :

Introduction to mesoscopic physics - Yoseph Imry - 1997 (first edition) 2002 (second edition)
Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems - Supriyo Datta  - 1995 (printed) 2013 (numeric)
Quantum transport, introduction to nanoscience - Yuli Nazarov - 2009 (printed) 2012 (numeric)
Electronic quantum transport in mesoscopic semiconductor structures - Thomas Ihn - 2004 (printed and numeric)
Introduction to superconductivity - Michael Tinkham - 1975 (first edition) 1996 (second edition) 2004 (reprint)

Published on February 26, 2021
Updated on September 27, 2024