Understanding fast charging limitation in Li-ion batteries

With the advent of "Gigafactory" to produce European made batteries, there is a need to create new battery technologies that will enable the large-scale development of the electric vehicle and storage application.
load of battery
With the advent of "Gigafactory" to produce European made batteries, the question is already being raised in the community if laboratories are ready to create new battery technologies (low TRL) that will meet the needs for the large-scale development of the electric vehicle and storage application. Regarding E-mobility, the main challenge remains the development of high energy density and high-power batteries, while storage can be provided by less expensive batteries or from second life batteries. The societal challenges are therefore multiple because it is necessary to rapidly create new generations of batteries enabling i) fast charge rates, ii) an energy density approaching the one provided by gasoline vehicles, and iii) while ensuring an end-of-life strategy for these batteries (recycling and second life). Lithium metal could answer many of these questions on its own such as high energy density, recycling, but so far lithium suffers from very slow kinetics due to the formation of dendrites during charges / discharges. Replacing Li metal with host materials allows the development of safer Li-ion batteries that become limited by relatively slow charge rates and limited energy densities. Here, we propose to tackle this last bottleneck issue by understanding properly the limitation of fast charging.
In this internship the master student will work on understanding the limitation of fast charging materials. Graphite-type electrodes and NMC-type electrodes will be used as benchmark negative and positive electrode to understand the link between tortuosity and porosity (Figure 1). We will be using advanced operando-based techniques available at the LEPMI laboratory (dilatometry measurement, online electrochemical mass spectrometry, scanning electrochemical microscope) and at the Grenoble large scale facilities (ESRF and ILL) (x-ray diffraction, x-ray tomography, neutron imaging) to understand the limitation of fast chargin in real condition.

LEPMI laboratory is a Mixed Research Unit (UMR CNRS 5279) mainly studying electrochemistry, materials, interfaces and electrochemical engineering in the fields of energy and sustainable development. The MIEL team dedicated to electrochemistry will be mostly involved in this project. This team is recognized for its expertise electrochemical characterization of electrolytes (solid, polymer, liquid), electrolyte/electrode interface study for electrochemical devices and advanced operando-based techniques applied to batteries from the lab scale to the large- scale facilities.
Program and expected skills
 Programs:   M1 Nanochemistry and M1 Soft Matter and Biophysics
Expected skills:   we are looking for a student with knowledge on materials science, engineering, or electrochemistry
Published on June 5, 2023
Updated on June 8, 2024