The goal of this course is to offer a pool of advanced quantum labworks covering a broad field of topics: quantum materials, quantum engineering, quantum information and quantum technologies. This course is only accessible to students who registered to the Graduate School program Quantum (UE PT1).
Students will attend from 5 to 7 labworks (depending on the number of students) among the ones listed below:
Labwork 1 "STM": Scanning transmission microscopy on graphite and on graphene , V. Renard. Location: CIME-Nanotech.
Labwork 2 "Hall": Hall effect, G. Seyfarth, H. Sellier, , Location Phelma Minatec M364.
Labwork 3 "Supra": Superconductivity, G. Seyfarth, H. Sellier, Location Phelma Minatec M364.
Labwork 4 "OscQ": Quantum oscillations in topological material, A. Pourret , G. Seyfarth, Location CEA IRIG, Batiment 10.05 room A334.
Labwork 5 "PHOT": Photon bunching in cathodoluminescence,G. Jacopin , Location Néel Institute room C5-103.
Labwork 6 "QO1": Quantum optics 1, 4h Generation of entangled photon pairs using non linear optics. P. Segonds,D. Ferrand Neel Institute, room C5-104
Labwork 7 "QO2" : Quantum optics 2, 4h Entanglement and Bell inequalities. David Ferrand, P. Segonds, Neel Institute, room C5-104
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